
Creating and Managing Tasks

See Definitions: Milestones, Tasks, Tickets to see what this is, who can create this item within a Project and if it can be seen on a Gantt chart.

Create a Task:

  • Open the Project you wish to create a Task in
  • Select the Task Tab
  • Select the New Task sub-tab
  • Complete all the necessary information
  • Select the "Add this Task" button on the lower left of the page

Task Actions: Edit, Share, Update Status, Complete Task, Notify others

  • Select the Milestone you wish to Edit, Share, etc.
  • Select the desired feature from Action box
  • Complete all the necessary information
  • Select the orange completion box if present


Edit: Change the Task details

Share: Share the Task with someone outside the project, or outside of Projecis. A url will be generated that can be emailed to the person who should have access to the Task information.

Update Status: Add information concerning the status of the Milestone

Notify Others: A person assigned a Task is automatically informed of the Task.  If you would like others on the team to be notified of this Task (but are not responsible for it) you can use this feature to have them notified of the Task via email.

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