
Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart in Projecis is a graphical representation of the Milestones and Tasks in a project (blue and white items on the left hand pane respectively). You can create dependencies and manage many, not all, of the Milestone/Tasks items from this screen (Fig 1). Gantt charts are project specific.


Fig 1


How do I create a Gantt chart?

As Milestones and Tasks are being created, these items automatically populate the Gantt chart.  You can then go to the chart and add dependencies and track the progress.

Click on the Gantt chart sub tab under the Milestones or Tasks tab of the project of interest.

What do the stacked bars represent?

On the above image some bars stacked (part dark blue, part lighter blue). These give a visual representation of % complete.  If 50% of the Task is completed, 50% of the bar will be a dark blue.

What are Baselines?

Baselines are snapshots of the chart in the past.  You can create as many baselines as you wish. Since the Gantt chart updates automatically as dates change, capture baselines periodically (such as just after team meetings) to track changes over time.

Resource View

The default of the Gantt chart is to organize the Tasks by Milestone.  If you select the resource icon the Tasks will be organized by person (resource).

How do I share the chart with others?

You can create a web address (url) that you can email to others, including those outside of Projecis.  They can use this url to view the Gantt chart, but do not have access to baselines, Task comments, and do not have the ability to add or edit information.

Select the "Manage Sharing" option at the top of the Gantt chart. Copy the resulting url and email to those you wish to have access to the Gantt chart.

How do I create Task dependencies and what kind are available?

You can create finish-to-start dependencies, one-to-one or many-to-one. A finish-to-start dependency means that a Task needs to finish, before another can start. In many-to-one, several Tasks must be completed prior to the start of a Task.

To create dependencies click on the Task bar of interest and select the "Predecessors" tab.  Add the Task(s) that should precede this one.

Finish-to-start dependencies are the only ones available.  Start to start dependencies can be created by creating a mock day that the Tasks that should start at the same time are linked to.



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