

What is the Contact Feature?

The Contacts feature allows you to store and exchange information concerning a Contact. This includes:

  • Addresses
  • Telephone numbers
  • Organizations
  • Opportunities
  • Correspondence
  • Action Items

Contacts are Project Specific.

  • The list of Contacts on one Project can be different from Contacts on another Project.
  • Leaders and Contact Managers can be different from Project to Project so who manages the Contacts can vary among Projects.
  • Creating a Contact
  • In Projecis, select the Contact Tab (Fig 1)
  • Select the ‘New Contact’ sub tab on the far right
  • Complete all the necessary information (Fig 2a,b)


  • New Organizations, Addresses, Phone numbers, etc. can be added by selecting the add/new option to the right of the field.
  • Availability can be used to limit who has access to a given Contact. If a Member does not have access to a Contact, they do not see the person on the Contact list.
  • The Contact can be ‘Assigned’ to a team member. This person usually serves as the point person for the Contact


  • Only Leaders and Contact Managers on a Project can add/edit a Contact
  • All Members who can see a Contact can add notes and add Correspondence notes for a Contact.
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