Convene is an on-line meeting environment that you and your meeting attendees have the option to use during a teleconference meeting set up in Projecis. It is not screen-sharing, but does provide powerful tools to share content and keep all the information with the project, saving you from doing double work.
How to use:
See How to Create a Meeting
Approximately 15 minutes prior to the meeting time attendees can click on the meeting in their Projecis calendar and on the right there will be an option to "Join Meeting". By selecting this option the attendee will enter the Convene environment.
Since this is an optional meeting environment, it is recommended that you make sure your team is told if Convene is to be used.
Click on image to enlarge
- Join Call (lower left) (using the Projecis conference call number): The Convene environment allows you to connect your computer microphone and speakers to the call via VoIP by using the "Join Call" button on the lower left. If you use the Projecis call-in number, unless you have made a special request from Projecis, the call-in number is a US based number. Join Call allows you to connect to the Projecis conference call number via VoIP.
- View Documents: Documents uploaded to the meeting can be viewed in this environment without having to find the file in your email and opening it.
- Discussions: All attendees have the ability to post items to the Discussion area, including uploading files.
- Action Items: During the meeting you can enter action items and assign them to people. Once the meeting is completed the persons assigned Action Items are notified via email and the items are automatically converted to tickets so they can be tracked to completion.
All Discussions, Action Items and uploaded documents are retained in the meeting details after the meeting is completed.