Who can Archive or un-Archive a File? Leaders on a Project.
Archiving a File:
- Removes it from the active file list.
- Prevents comments from being added to the file.
- Makes the file inaccessible to others on the team.
How to Archive a File:
- Open the file within Projecis.
- Click on "Archive File" in the Actions box on the right.
- Confirm the archiving of the file.
How to Un-Archive a File
- Open the Project the archived file is under.
- Select the "Archived" sub-tab under the "Files" tab.
- Select the file to be un-archived.
- Select "Unarchive File" in the actions box.
- Confirm the unarchiving of the file.
Who can Delete a File? Leaders on a Project.
How to Delete a File:
- Open the file within Projecis.
- Click on "Delete this File" in the Actions box on the right.
- Confirm the deleting of the file.
- Deleting a file deletes all comments associated with the file.
- Deleting a file removes all file versions. Example: If there are three versions you cannot delete just version three and keep one and two.
- There is no un-deleting of deleted files.
- "Signed" and "Locked" files cannot be deleted. They can, however, be archived.